2022 - Madrid

On 14 – 16 June 2022, the General Assembly and conference was hosted in Madrid by Registradores de España.
The Conference focused on the role that business registries can play in building a strong and innovative future to face shared global challenges.
Thank you to all who attended this memorable event! You can view the presentations and photos below.
MADRID 2022 - Presentations and Photos
Wednesday 15 June 2022
Venue: BBVA Building, Castellana 81 – Madrid
Mr Antti Riivari, EBRA President
Ms. Maria Emilia Adán, President of the Public Corporation of Land, Business and Movable Good Registries of Spain.
Panel 1 - Crime Prevention - Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism
Moderator: Mr Julian Lamb, EBRA Board
Mr. Pedro Manuel Comín Rodriguez, Director of SEPLAC (Spanish Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offences)
Ms. Lourdes Jimenez Ramos Advisory Member of Inspection and Control of Capital Movement. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of Spain.
Mr. José Miguel Tabares, Director of CRAB (Spanish Registral anti money laundering Centre)
Ms. Mojca Kunšek and Ms. Maja Grčar, AJPES
Coffee Break
Panel 2 - The Digitization of Company Law and its Impact on Business Registries
Moderator: Ms Ana del Valle, EBRA Board
Ms. Maija Laurila, Head of Unit for Company Law in the European Commission
Mr. Oscar Palomo Díaz, Head of Interoperability Products Centre at Ministerio de Justicia
Mr. Niccolò Stamboglis, Data Scientist at Infocamere
Mr. Iñigo Pastor, Partner Lawyer specialised in commercial law of the law firm mazars
Mr. Adrián Vazquez – Video on Digitalization and Free circulation of judicial resolutions in the European Union
Panel 3 - The Interconnection of Business Registries in Europe and Registry Publicity
Moderator: Mr Marco Vianello, EBRA Board
Ms. Luisa Clode, ELRA President. The interconnection of the Land Registers of the EU
Mr. Dejan Damjanovic Managing Director at REAKTIV
Ms. Maija Laurila, Head of Unit for Company Law in the European Commission
A focus on: The International BRs Survey and Report
Panel 4 - The Ukraine Conflict and the Commercial Registries in Europe
Moderator: Mr Antti Riivari, President of EBRA
Ms. Alina Nedea, DG FISMA European Commission
Mr. Michele Riccardi, Deputy Director of Transcrime
Mr. Francisco Javier Chocarro, Spanish Registrar
A focus on: The Business Registers Worldwide
Closing and EBRA Conference 2023
Mr. Antti Riivari, President of EBRA
Ms Ana del Valle, EBRA Board