Member News
News from our EBRA members...
March 2023
Lithuania launches new online system for citizens of the European Union (EU) and EEC to start a business in Lithuania.
The State Enterprise Centre of Registers has made it possible for EU citizens to register a private limited liability company or a branch of a foreign company online using the electronic Self Service system.
Until now, EU citizens had to apply for the registration of a new company through authorised persons or arrive in person at the Customer Service Unit of the Centre of Registers.
Now, Lithuanian citizens and citizens of the EU and the European Economic Community can submit an application electronically by logging into the Centre of Registers’ Self Service system with an e-identification tool issued in their own country, which complies with the requirements of the EU Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS). This also includes foreign citizens who log in to the system with their e-resident card.
The new system makes the incorporation of a company in Lithuania faster and cheaper for foreigners.
Read the full press release from Lithuania: PRESS RELEASE
October 2022
Estonia makes e-Business Register data available to everyone free of charge
4 October 2022
From October 1st 2022, the data from the Estonian e-Business Register is available to everyone free of charge.
Previously, a query fee had to be paid to view the data contained in the e-business register for companies, non-profit organizations, foundations, and state and local government institutions.
The Open Data page of the e-Business Register makes the following available:
· Bulk data files
· API descriptions
· Terms of use
· The possibility to send feedback on how to simplify the reuse and cross-use of data
According to the Minister of Justice, making data available free of charge will help make the business sector more transparent and innovative.
“For the development of the information society, free access to high-quality data is necessary, above all to data that is in the possession of the state. The availability of information helps ensure the transparency of the economy and creates the prerequisites for the development of smart data-based services,” said Minister of Justice Lea Danilson-Järg.
October 2021
Recently, the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania (responsible for the Register of Legal Entities in Lithuania) opened financial statement data of the companies.
Several different data sets of the Register of Legal Entities were offered to the public free of charge about the legal entities registered in the Register, providing their codes, names, registered office addresses, date of registration, legal form and legal status.
We invite all Members to contribute to the Member news. If you have a news story to share, please contact Helen at