EBRA Board Of Directors
The EBRA is administered by a board of Directors who are representatives of members of the Association
The President presides over the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. The President is a representative of one of the Full Members of the Association and is elected by the General Assembly at the annual session for a period of two years. The President may be re-elected for a maximum of 3 times.
The President shall represent the Association in all external contacts. The President may delegate such activities to a representative.
Mr. Antti Riivari is the current President of EBRA.
The Treasurer is appointed by the General Assembly and shall arrange for proper book keeping and accounting of the finances of the Association. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of all budgets and accounts as required by Belgian law.
Mr. Yves Gonner is the current Treasurer of EBRA.
Board of Directors

Mr. Yves Gonner – Treasurer

Ms. Maureen O’Sullivan

Ms Gesine Freund